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Listening to Community Voices: A Health Plan’s Approach to Improving Maternity Care

California Improvement Network
Through structured conversations, interviews, interactions, and observations of in-person activities with providers, health plan members, and CBOs, Molina Healthcare identified three essential learnings that might be helpful to other organizations collaborating with communities on reducing racial...

Closing the Gender Pay Gap for Female Nurses Promotes Equity and Supports the Health Care Workforce

Ulrike Muench, RN, PhD, FAAN, Faculty, Healthforce Center at UCSF
Patterns of pay disparities based on gender continue to be a high-priority concern for the health care workforce. Recent legislation and policies at all levels of government have been passed with the goal to end gender inequity in pay, recognizing the right to equal pay for doing equal work or work...

Healthforce Center's Journey to Advance Equity in Our Workplace

By Marie Hubbard, Senior Program Manager and Dr. Sunita Mutha, Director
Photo: Healthforce Center staff volunteering at the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank in October 2023, from left: Kyoko Peterson, Sofia Sandoval, Melissa Lucas, Khadijat Alli, Xenia Mendez, Marie Hubbard, Vaishnavi Vaidya, Janet Coffman, Sunita Mutha, Sutep Laohavanich, Beth Mertz, and Liwam Nerayo.  

Understanding Indigenous Communities to Support Their Health Needs

California Improvement Network Team
Indigenous communities in California and throughout the United States face striking health disparities. At 71.8 years, American Indian and Alaska Native individuals have the lowest life expectancy compared with other races and ethnicities.

Affirmative Action: How Will Court Ruling Affect Medical School Diversity?

By Robin Buller. Reprinted with permission from the California Health Care Foundation.
California’s experience after Proposition 209 offers some clues and lessons

Affirmative Action: How Will Court Ruling Affect Medical School Diversity?

By Robin Buller. Reprinted with permission from the California Health Care Foundation.
California’s experience after Proposition 209 offers some clues and lessons

Equitable Co-design in Health Care: How to Incorporate Community Voices to Impact Systems

California Improvement Network Team
While many health care organizations recognize the urgency of addressing inequities in health, efforts to do so are often slow, incremental, or incomplete. The health care system at large struggles to meaningfully incorporate and center “end users” of services (such as patients, administrative...

First Primary Care Scorecard: What It Reveals and What Comes Next

Access to primary medical care is closely associated with better health outcomes for patients, fewer hospital visits, and longer life spans. Yet in the United States, primary care spending for all payers accounted for merely 4.6% to 12.1% of total health care expenditures, depending on how broadly...

Community-Based Organizations to Join Reimagined California Improvement Network

Kathryn Phillips, Associate Director, California Health Care Foundation
Photo: Brett Perkinson receives his weekly supply of medically tailored meals delivered from a community-based organization to his home in Aptos, just outside of the city of Santa Cruz. Credit: Shmuel Thaler  

Confronting Implicit Bias to Adapt Depression Screening and Treatment

Vaishnavi Vaidya, MPH, Program Manager, Healthforce Center at UCSF
Over the past 20 years, Tennessee has seen immense growth in the Latinx population due to a steady influx of migrant agriculture workers. To meet the health care needs of families in this community, Cherokee Health Systems (CHS), an integrated Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) opened a...
