Leadership Alum's Project Continues to Bear Fruit (and Vegetables)

As a fellow in the  CHCF Health Care Leadership Program, Dr. Wei An Lee, an endocrinologist at Los Angeles County+University of Southern California (LAC+USC) Medical Center, developed a medical innovation incubator that aimed to reduce the fragmented care so commonly received by patients with chronic disease. His project contributed to the establishment of a weekly farmers market featured in the video below.

The farmers market is open to staff, patients and the community at large.

A food oasis blossoms at LAC + USC Medical Center from Los Angeles County Newsroom on Vimeo.


Apply for the Next Cohort of the CHCF Leadership Program

Are you a health leader in California? Applications for the California Health Care Foundation’s Health Care Leadership Program open April 2-June 8, 2018. Administered by Healthforce Center at UCSF, this program transforms the clinicians of today into the health leaders of tomorrow. Since 2001, more than 500 health professionals have participated in the CHCF Health Care Leadership Program. Thirty-two highly qualified fellows will be selected to participate in the rigorous, two-year program, which covers management skills, health care trends, policy topics and more. The two-year program is widely recognized as a valuable resource for training and creating a network of clinical leaders across sectors, silos and the state. We seek diversity across disciplines, organizations, geography and ethnicity.  Learn more and apply here.