Wesley Behavioral Health and Wellness Center

Development of a Behavioral Health and Wellness Center that would provide comprehensive services and coordinated Behavioral Health Care by establishing a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) to reduce health disparities.

The Intersection of Health Equity, Burnout and Trauma-Informed Care

The advancement of Health Equity, including the identification of outcome gaps and the development of processes to close those gaps, has become a major focus for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as well for managed commercial insurance plans. This project was designed to identify the most significant and urgent Health Equity opportunity within a county hospital and to create a pilot intervention to close high priority identified gaps.

The Trauma Informed Care Experience

The project focused on providing trauma informed care training to staff members to address allegations of hurtful, aggressive, and derogatory comments made towards foster youth in care. The primary goal was to educate staff on how to realize, recognize, respond, and prevent re-traumatization of these vulnerable individuals.

Evaluating the impact of social services integrated care for people experiencing homelessness

Whole Person Integrated Care (WPIC) is a section within SF DPH’s Ambulatory Care that brought together programs serving people experiencing homelessness (PEH)/transitioning out of homelessness to provide coordinated and integrated care. As part of WPIC’s development, our Urgent Care (UC) clinic integrated with Street Medicine’s Open Access clinic. Two-thirds of the patients are PEH, and the program addresses both urgent needs and transitional primary care for individuals who are unconnected to care and not getting their needs met elsewhere in the system.

Improving linkage of patients with severe mental health illness to primary care providers with clinical pharmacist intervention

Care coordination among patients with severe mental healtillnessesss has been a long-standing challenge. Patients seen in mental health clinics oftentimes have inadequate control of diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. In addition, more than 60% of this population also suffers from co-occurring substance use disorders. Without addressing these chronic medical problems, patients with poorly managed medical conditions often were lost to follow-up.

Envisioning a post-pandemic Digital Behavioral Health Department

Rather than seeing COVID-19 as an insurmountable obstacle, I, along with my team at Community Health Centers of the Central Coast (CHCCC), Inc., viewed it as an opportunity to accelerate the pace of innovation. To better meet the needs of the community, the CHC Behavioral Health and Psychiatry Departments are committed to moving beyond brick-and-mortar clinics to a ‘click and mortar’ clinic in the sky, the Cielo Center for Integrated Health. Like many health centers CHCCC quickly shifted to virtual care not long after the pandemic emerged.

GAIN Project (GAmified INcentives-Based Treatment): Digital Rewards-Based Treatment for Justice-involved Dually Diagnosed Clients

In 2020, there were 700 overdose deaths in San Francisco, which was more than double the number of COVID deaths. Though the proximal cause of death is Fentanyl, 60% of those who died were using methamphetamines, which means that many of those deaths may have been prevented by targeting stimulant use. UCSF Citywide serves nearly 2000 people annually with serious mental illness (SMI), homelessness, and institutionalization (long-term locked psychiatric hospitalization and incarceration).

Healing the Streets: Integrated, Person-centered, Street-based Care for People Experiencing Homelessness and Severe Mental Illness in Santa Cruz County

CalAIM and recent Whole Person Care pilot programs are redesigning how care is offered to people with complex needs in the MediCal system. Housing First models have demonstrated the importance of housing for client well-being, stability, and health outcomes, yet most communities lack adequate temporary and permanent housing options. Efforts thus far have failed to demonstrate compelling outcomes due to a combination of the small sample size and the complexity inherent in interventions for people who are unhoused and often have severe mental illness with co-occurring substance use disorder.

Cultivating Outcomes through Equity in Behavioral Telehealth

As behavioral health needs skyrocketed when the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, specialty behavioral health organizations which provide services to people with serious mental illness and/or substance use disorder pivoted to delivering significantly more care via telehealth. While behavioral telehealth access may be a point of pride, racial inequity is also evident in telehealth access. It is disproportionately inaccessible to people of color, in particular those from the Black and Latinx communities, people with limited English proficiency, people facing poverty, and older adults.

Implementation of Documentation Reform in Medi-Cal Behavioral Health

The California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal initiative created a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reform Behavioral Health documentation. As the Chief of Medi-Cal Behavioral Health with the California Department of Health Care Services, my CHIP focused first on removing complex and cumbersome documentation standards that far exceed the standards of other healthcare delivery systems and replacing them with efficient, effective, and impactful policies to improve the lives of those we serve.