Identification of a Behavioral Health Screening Workflow in Primary Care

Project Goal: To identify the most efficient workflow in implementing universal behavioral health screening in primary care and provide three thirty- minute behavioral health trainings to support successful integration.

Advanced Behavioral Connection Model

Project Goal: To increase patients connecting to Behavioral Health (BH) and ultimately improve their overall health using the Advanced Behavioral Connection model which enhances the warm handoff between primary care provider and BH staff.

A Model for Integrating Behavioral Health Services into LA County’s Public Safety Net Primary Care Clinics

Project Goal: To increase Los Angeles County primary care patients’ access to broad range behavioral health (BH) services by integrating BH providers into primary care medical homes.

A 4-Quadrant Risk Stratification Tool for Full Integration Care Management

Project Goal: To develop and deploy a tool to guide a comprehensive assessment and integration of services for complex dual eligible patients.

Improved Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Care

Project Goal: To clarify and standardize intake process to improve patient experience at Santa Cruz County Specialty Mental Health.

Healthcare Workforce Development for Behavioral Health Consumers

Project Goal: To provide a supported pathway for Behavioral Health Peer Specialists to obtain training as Medical Assistants and to successfully obtain and maintain employment in various healthcare settings.

Sonoma County Hub for Innovation

Project Goal: To investigate gaps in Sonoma County Mental Health services with to create a more stable infrastructure for quality mental health services across the spectrum of care.

StreetHealth: Improving The Medical Outreach Model to Homeless Encampments

Project Goal: To develop a sustainable model of psychiatric outreach to individuals experiencing homelessness through the provision of psychiatric and substance use medications (medication-assisted treatment) in encampments and improved linkage to community health centers.

Increasing Access to Naloxone to High Risk Patients from Emergency Department

Project Goals: To increase the percentage of patients at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Emergency Departments who receive a prescription for naloxone; and improve communication regarding use of naloxone to patients, family and friends.