Managing Mental Health Crises on the Telephone (an interim report from my leadership journey)

The CHIP was a focal point of the CHCF program, but my true CHIP came through learning about myself as a leader during challenging times. Fueled by burning questions and supported by mentors, friends and family, I managed to thrive during the past two years. Given all the crises in the world, and given my personal and professional investment in mental health, what could I do to contribute? How might we improve our communities’ health and wellbeing?

Tele-Physiatry: Improving Access and Quality to California’s Medical Therapy Units

Project Goal: To implement a Tele-physiatry model of care to underserved school-based Medical Therapy Units while evaluating access, patient and parent experience of care, quality metrics and economic impact to the State. 

“Psychiatry Cares” Urgent Psychiatry Pathway

Project Goal: To provide virtual psychiatric consultation to 10 patients per week with urgent psychiatric needs within 72 hours of seeing their PCP. This will decrease levels of PCP burnout, decrease number of urgent referrals to psychiatry, and increase percentage of referrals accepted by psychiatry. 

Busting the Visit Buster: A Tele-Behavioral Health Intervention for Managing Acute Psychosocial Crises in Primary Care

Project Goal: To improve access to needed behavioral health services for patients and reduce the frequency of providers reporting unmet need for same-day behavioral health services for complex psychosocial issues.

Doing More with the Same: Improving Specialty Access and Communication in the Safety Net

Project Goal: Implement eConsult in at least 20 specialties by December 2019, leverage eConsult mechanism for at least 25% of all referrals by August 2020, and reduce backlog to specialty care by 50% by August 2020. 

Multi-Division High-Utilizer Case Management Pilot

Project Goal: To analyze Contra Costa County’s 175,708 Medi-Cal eligible county residents as of June 2018 and run models to identify the predictors of avoidable hospital utilization over a 13 month period. Predictors considered are insurance status, race/ethnicity, age, history of detention, marital status, sex, living alone/social isolation, history of homelessness, and English speaking.

Overcoming the Behavioral Health Workforce Shortage

Project Goal: To increase access to behavioral health services by: (1) expanding the behavioral health provider (BHP) network, (2) using virtual behavioral health (BH) visits, and (3) adding mobile health (m-health) tools through a partnership with a health service technology vendor that functions as the central hub to facilitate referrals and match patients to the right care pathway.

You say “Data”, I say “Data”…

Project Goal: To improve patient outcomes and team satisfaction by getting accurate, consistent, and timely data into the hands of the care teams with the proper data support.

An Ounce of Prevention: The LADHS Journey to Improve Quality through Efficient Patient Outreach and Engagement

Project Goal: To create a more efficient patient outreach process around common healthcare quality goals. This will improve patient experience and increase clinic staff direct patient care and engagement.

Improving Blood Pressure Control with Technology Enabled Virtual Care

Project Goal: To improve blood pressure control and decrease adverse health outcomes for One Medical Group patients with hypertension.