The Practice of Medicine in California: A Profile of the Physician Workforce

Date: 02/01/2001
Author(s): Catherine Dower, Tina McRee, Kevin Grumbach, Bram Briggance, Sunita Mutha, Janet M. Coffman, Karen Vranizan, Andrew Bindman, Ed O'Neil


Widely distributed to policymakers in California and nationally, this report offered a comprehensive profile of the California physician workforce in the year 2000. Using existing and original data, this study provided information about the aggregate supply of physicians, specialty and geographic distribution, demographic characteristics, and educational data about physicians in the state. In addition, this report examined the state of medical practice in California, including trends in practice setting, physician organization, managed care involvement, Medi-Cal participation, financial incentives, earnings, and physicians' overall experience of the practice climate.