Medical Care Delivery in US Nursing Homes: Current and Future Practice

Date: 09/22/2020
Author(s): Paul R Katz, Kira Ryskina, Debra Saliba, Andrew Costa, Hye-Young Jung, Laura M Wagner, Mark Aaron Unruh, Benjamin J Smith, Andrea Moser, Joanne Spetz, Sid Feldman, and Jurgis Karuza


The delivery of medical care services in US nursing homes (NH) is dependent on a workforce comprised of physicians, nurse practitioners (NP), and physician assistants (PA). Each of these disciplines operate under a unique regulatory framework while adhering to common standards of care. NH provider characteristics and their roles in NH care can illuminate potential links to clinical outcomes and overall quality of care with important policy and cost implications. This perspective provides an overview of what is currently known about medical provider practice in NH and organizational models of practice. Links to quality, both conceptual and established, are presented as is a research and policy agenda that addresses the gaps in the evidence base within the context of our ever-changing health care landscape.