Whole Person Integrated Care (WPIC) is a section within SF DPH’s Ambulatory Care that brought together programs serving people experiencing homelessness (PEH)/transitioning out of homelessness to provide coordinated and integrated care. As part of WPIC’s development, our Urgent Care (UC) clinic integrated with Street Medicine’s Open Access clinic. Two-thirds of the patients are PEH, and the program addresses both urgent needs and transitional primary care for individuals who are unconnected to care and not getting their needs met elsewhere in the system. Due to programmatic shifts over the past five years UC’s social work staff positions shrunk from 1.5 staff to zero.

This CHIP used data to identify UC patient social service needs and included a provider time study in determining the impact on care and productivity as a result of not having social services staff.

Publish Date: 
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
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