Workshop – Confronting Racism Denial: Tools for Naming Racism and Moving to Action

Racism is a major driver of health inequities in the United States. For most of our 30 years, Healthforce Center at UCSF has been working to advance health equity by building pipelines of diverse health leaders, strengthening the cultural competency of clinicians, and centering equity in quality improvement efforts.

Lack of Racial and Ethnic Diversity Among Addiction Physicians

Compared to white individuals, Black, Indigenous, and Latinx individuals have decreased access to addiction care, lower rates of addiction treatment, and higher rates of incarceration, non-fatal overdose, and death. Racial/ethnic concordance between patients and clinicians has been associated with improved communication and patient satisfaction with care and may lead to improved addiction outcomes including medication adherence and treatment retention.

Human Trafficking: Ready to Respond

Project Goal: By September 2020, providers at SMMC would demonstrate a 50% improvement in their collective knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors for recognizing and responding appropriately to patients who may be trafficked. 

Team-Based Advance Care Planning

Project Goal: To increase the total number of quality advance care planning conversations documented by a variety of disciplines on the team, including physicians, medical trainees, advanced practice providers, social workers, dieticians, nurses and rehab specialists (PT/OT/SLP).

My Vote. Our Health.

Project Goal: To increase civic engagement among approximately 175 AltaMed physicians by increasing their civic engagement activities by Summer 2020.

Designating Sobering Centers in the Care of Acute Intoxication

Project Goal: In response to current California legislation (AB 1544 Community Paramedicine or Triage to Alternate Destination Act) and the CalAIM Medi-Cal Reform (proposing In Lieu of Services to establish sobering care), create a national accreditation program through the National Sobering Collaborative to launch in midi-2021. 

Role Clarity: the Corner Stone of Share the Care

Project Goal: After completing a series of role clarification exercises in the first half of 2020, our teamlets, made up of primary care providers and medical assistants, will report an improvement in role clarity, in their teamlet relationship, and that they have the tools and training to succeed in their role; a more equal sense of personal job responsibility; and reduced burnout.

Improving Mental Health for Children of Military Families in Contra Costa County

Project Goal: To engage community organizations to identify the needs and create mental health solutions for children of military families.

Patient-Reported Outcomes in Oncology (PROMOnc)

Project Goal: Survey adult patients with primary chemotherapy for stage I-III breast cancer, stage II-III colon cancer, or stage II-IIIA lung cancer immediately before, during, and after chemotherapy to determine pain, fatigue, and quality of life. Engage appropriate resources based on the answers to the questions.

Addressing Barriers to Care in Medi-Cal

Project Goal: To decrease the number of new beneficiaries that are food insecure by 10% in 1 year, and link > 50% of members that are positive for food insecurity to an appropriate resource.