Low Threshold Access to Buprenorphine Treatment within Permanent Supportive Housing

Project Goal: To create a proposal to pilot an accessible treatment model for residents of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) with opioid use disorders through collaboration with on-site nursing staff.

Surgical Backlog Reduction via Scheduling Improvements and Use of an Outpatient Procedure Suite

Project Goal: To reduce operating room backlog for elective cases by implementing surgery scheduling efficiencies, enhancing monitoring capabilities and expanding an outpatient procedure suite to improve surgical access.

Tackling the Opioid Crisis in El Dorado County

Project Goal: To increase county wide medication-assisted treatment capacity, promote safer prescribing practices, and implement harm reduction services to decrease overdose death in El Dorado County. 

CRIS CONNECT Bridging the Gap After a Behavioral Health Crisis

Project Goal: To decrease the repeat utilization of high cost services and poor outcomes for patients using the behavioral health crisis system.

Increasing Cost Transparency in Health Care

Project Goal: To provide clinicians with cost information at point of ordering treatment so they are empowered to make the best decision for their patients.

Integrating Health Plan Quality Workforce in the local healthcare System: Kinetic Quality Improvement (QI) External Program

Project Goal: By 9/30/19, to demonstrate progress towards the quadruple aim by establishing a Kinetic QI external program through Practice Coaching, Learning Collaboratives, and developing a Practice Transformation Academy.

Implementing a Population Health Approach to Patient Identification and Treatment of Depression in Primary Care

Project Goal: To pilot a payer-agnostic Collaborative Care program for depression in three UCSF Primary Care Clinics that utilizes patient identification for enrollment, systematic tracking with the use of a registry, brief psychotherapy, and psychiatric consultation.

A Multifaced Approach to Improving Quality Measures in the San Diego Veteran's Affairs Community Living Center

Project Goal: To improve the Quality Measure (QM) score in the San Diego Veteran's Affairs Community Living Center by advocating for improved score calculus, which would better reflect the care provided. 



Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services: Care When You Need It

Project Goal: To improve access to behavioral health services by providing educational outreach to primary care teams and implementing consistent use of screening tools.

Primary Care Virtual Multi-Disciplinary Support Team (MIST)

Project Goal: To establish a multi-disciplinary team doing virtual care to improve physician access, growth and joy of medicine in clinic.