Can Care Integration Improve Clinical Outcomes for Diabetics?

Project Goal: To improve the health outcomes of uncontrolled diabetics through a coordinated multidisciplinary approach to education and care.

Paddling Upstream: Addressing Social Determinants in Community Health Centers

Project Goal: To assist at least 50% of eligible Alameda County Federally Qualified Health Centers clients attending a clinic visit to enroll in CalFresh.

Nursing Led Care Coordination Optimization

Project Goal: To improve employee engagement within the care coordination department and reduce average length of stay through coordinated team efforts to reduce inefficiencies.

Community Pharmacy Pay-For-Performance Program

Project Goal: To demonstrate a cost-effective clinical model in the community pharmacy setting which promotes pharmacy quality and achieves measurable outcomes.

Project Quest: Improving Quality of Life in Epilepsy through Supporting Therapies

Project Goal: To improve receipt of whole person wrap-around services and therefore the quality of life of people with epilepsy in western Los Angeles county by increasing knowledge of epilepsy, referrals to Westside Regional Center, and offer of epilepsy-specific services.

IMPACT: A Palliative Care Education Initiative for Acute Care Bedside Nurses

Project Goal: To equip bedside nurses on acute care units at UCSF Medical Center with communication tools to lead palliative care communication.

Integrating Oral Health into Pediatric Care for 0-2 Year Olds

Project Goal: To support Alameda Health System sites to offer preventive dental services where young children receive primary care.

Implementing a Pre-Operative Screening Pathway to Identify Mild Cognitive Impairment

Project Goal: To utilize a standardized care path to identify patients and minimize the deleterious impacts of the surgical episode of care for patients over age 65, with identified mild cognitive impairment.

Rural Health Telemedicine Dermatology Specialty Service

Project Goal: To advance the use of telemedicine technology to improve access and quality for dermatology specialty care services for the rural health community by June 2017.

Using Telemedicine to Integrate Service Coordination within the Northern California Adventist Healthcare System

Project Goal: To complete setup of a Northern California Adventist Healthcare System telemedecine program by the end of 2017 and to expand the program out of state by mid 2018.