Ensuring Faster Access to Effective Multiple Sclerosis Medications

Project Goal: To ensure that Multiple Sclerosis patients receive the most effective medication with in a month of diagnosis to reduce relapses and disease progression leading to inpatient utilization.

My Health Tag – Addressing A1c and Blood Pressure Goal Awareness

Project Goal: To improve metabolic outcomes in our patient population through increased hemoglobin A1c and blood pressure goal awareness by using a simple take-home tool.

Reducing Emergency Department Overuse and Improving Access to Primary Care Through Use of Emergency Department Navigator

Project Goal: Reduce emergency department (ED) crowding and avoidable ED visits for patients without a primary care partnership and improve emergency throughput times.

Transitioning the Emergency Medical Services Agency to the Department of Public Health: New Beginnings

Project Goal: To ensure that emergency medical services staff transition and acculturate successfully so that the current work of the agency is maintained.

Promoting Evidence Based Nursing Practice

Project Goal: To improve patient outcomes by initiating and adopting evidence based nursing practice.

Act Together: Increase Employee Engagement with a New Model of Forum Theater Case Conferencing

Project Goal: To develop a sustainable and scalable program that can improve survey measures of employee engagement for all health care staff everywhere.

Identifying a Digital Platform to Improve Access to Psychiatry Consultation in Primary Care

Project Goal: To improve access to psychiatry consultation and to increase the competency and comfort level of Psychiatry Consultation Programs and Behavioral Health Providers in Alameda County’s Federally Qualified Health Centers in delivering behavioral health care to their patients.

Testing a Digital Health Coaching Model to Support Growing Families

Project Goal: To test a virtual coaching model that increases parents’ confidence and access to support from pregnancy through baby’s first year.

Tokoni: Peer and Culture-Based Interventions to Improve Behavioral Health Outcomes of Pacific Islanders in San Mateo County

Project Goal: Leverage health navigators to reduce barriers for Pacific Islanders seeking behavioral health services. 

Primary Care Nurse Practitioners and Physicians in Low-Income and Rural Areas, 2010-2016

Nurse practitioners (NPs) constitute the largest and fastest growing group of nonphysician primary care clinicians. As the primary care physician (PCP) shortage persists, examination of trends in primary care NP supply, particularly in relation to populations most in need, will inform strategies to strengthen primary care capacity. However, such evidence is limited, particularly in combination with physician workforce trends. This paper characterized the temporal trends in the distribution of primary care NPs in low-income and rural areas compared with the distribution of PCPs.