Developing a Perinatal Trauma-Informed Network of Care

As indicated in the subtext of my CHIP title, I’m sharing a mix of project and leadership journeys. Especially in the pandemic era, it seems (at least for me), the threads of personal and professional experience are increasingly intertwined. For my CHIP, I started with the question of: How might we develop and implement a respectful, comprehensive, and trauma-informed model of care for pregnant and parenting people that better coordinates existing medical, behavioral health and social services and creates continuity across the birth divide? This project is important to me as a perinatal psychiatrist, as a mother, and as someone who identifies as having experienced depression across different phases of my own life course. By altering our approach to perinatal healthcare, we can improve individual maternal and child health outcomes, disrupt the intergenerational transmission of trauma, and move toward public health equity.