Tram Cat, PharmD, BCPS
Tram Cat is faculty at Healthforce Center at the University of California San Francisco. At the UCSF School of Pharmacy, she is an assistant professor of clinical pharmacy and the Experiential Education Program Director for the San Francisco Bay Area.
In Cat’s current role at UCSF, she works with preceptors, students, faculty, and staff to meet the requirements of the experiential education curriculum. She was the course director for a Resiliency Medicine Training elective at UCSF and provides presentations on wellness and resiliency topics. Cat has been involved with various local and national projects related to mental health, burnout, and resiliency. Additionally, she is a published author and experienced speaker at the state and national level. She enjoys mentoring pharmacy students as they determine their career goals and options for post-graduate plans.
She was the recipient and principal investigator of an AACP New Investigator Award study grant evaluating the impact of an APPE Well-being Promotion (WelPro™) Program on student burnout. She has collaborated on research projects related to the impact of a wellness program on faculty, staff, and the pharmacy workforce. Her research interests include burnout, experiential education, layered learning models, and critical care.
Cat earned her doctorate of pharmacy in 2003 from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences – Worcester. Afterward, she completed a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency at the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center and a PGY2 Critical Care Specialty Residency at the University of Vermont.