The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has shone a bright light on the need to screen for and address preventive and population health needs in a systematic manner. During the pandemic, declines nationally of up to 80- 90% in submitted claims were seen for most preventive services. Patients experienced increased barriers to engaging in care, which often resulted in significant care gaps due to delayed or unmet care needs. The pandemic provided both the challenge and the opportunity to not only expand the ways we provide care, but also change the conversation with our patients and our clients about how they think about and see the value and importance of prevention and population health. The goal of the project was to develop, implement, and iteratively improve an enterprise-wide systematic approach to consistently being aware of, screening for, intervening on, and closing care gaps for our primary-care engaged patients.

Publish Date: 
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
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