Clinicians at Keck Medicine of USC are burned out due to the COVID 19 pandemic, competing demands on their time and insufficient support to achieve work life balance. This project was designed to establish a team-based care program at Keck Medicine of USC to reduce clinician and staff burnout in the Family Medicine Department. Burnout affects over 50% of physicians and nurses and leads to reduced access to care due to sick calls, reduced patient safety and lower quality of care. Clinicians are more likely to leave practice due to burnout and depersonalize patients which leads to poor interactions. Keck Medicine was facing a high turnover rate for clinicians and nurses (close to 20%). The goal was to create a team-based care program by December 2022 to reduce clinician burnout and improve engagement. In our health system clinicians spend an inordinate amount of “pajama time” doing charts, paperwork and answering messages. Charts are late, patient messages are unanswered, and prescriptions are not refilled in a timely manner due to burnout. Patient complaints have gone up and patient satisfaction scores decreased. To achieve Team Based care at Keck Medicine the goals were identify the steps, get leadership buy in, launch a prototype. Develop a plan to build the necessary infrastructure, learn the roles of the team members and train to work at the top of the skill sets, understand the barriers to overcome them.

Publish Date: 
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
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