Peer providers are individuals with lived experience who are hired to provide direct support to persons in recovery from mental health (MH) and/or substance use disorders (SUD). These workers are increasingly being used to support transitions of care from inpatient mental health and substance abuse programs into the community, and from forensic settings (jail and prison) into the community. Our research explores the growth and development of the peer provider workforce in inpatient and forensic settings in California.
Building off of prior research, this project includes site visits to six mental health and forensic settings in California that use peer providers in innovative and/or highly successful roles. Key informant interviewees include program directors, clinical staff, supervisors, peer support providers, human resources and finance managers. Interview questions focus on training, certification, role development and definition, acceptance of the peer role and indicators of the efficacy of using peer providers.
For more information, please contact Susan Chapman or Lisel Blash.
California Health Care Foundation
Susan A. Chapman, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN
Lisel Blash, MPA
Senior Research Analyst