Optimal Staffing Models to Care for Frail Older Adults in Primary Care And Geriatrics Practices in the U.S.

Author(s): David Auerbach, Douglas Levy, Peter Maramaldi, Robert Dittus, Joanne Spetz, Peter Buerhaus, and Karen Donelan
Date: 09-01-21
Source: https://www.healthaffairs.org/doi/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.00401


Different staffing configurations in primary and geriatric care practices could have implications for how best to deliver services that are essential for a growing population of older adults. Using data from a 2018 survey of physicians (MDs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) working in primary and geriatric care, we assessed whether different configurations were associated with better or worse performance on a number of standard process measures indicative of comprehensive, high-quality primary care.