Survey of Nursing Employers in California, Fall 2014 

Date: 04/08/2015
Author(s): Tim Bates, Lela Chu, Joanne Spetz


This report summarizes the findings from a survey of general acute care (GAC) hospital employers of registered nurses (RNs) in California conducted in fall 2014. This is the fifth annual survey of hospital RN employers; together these surveys provide an opportunity to evaluate overall demand for RNs in the state, and changes that have occurred as the economy in California has recovered from the economic recession that started in late 2007. The survey also collects information specific to the hiring of newly graduated nurses because they are at particular risk for unemployment during a weak labor market. The data obtained in this survey reveal ongoing variation in the demand for RNs across California, a preference for hiring experienced nurses, and consequently a lack of positions available for newly graduated RNs.