At Healthforce Center, our research on the health care workforce offers timely analysis and guidance for providers, policymakers and funders in addressing critical delivery and improvement challenges. We have a team of nationally recognized research experts who work to define issues and support health policy change with rigorous analysis, high-quality data and actionable recommendations.
Our expertise covers the entire health workforce — the full range of licensed professions, credentialed occupations, and emerging roles such as community health workers and peer providers, and across all types of settings from acute to long-term care. We specialize in examining evolving trends in care models, care team composition, and promising new models for the delivery of high-quality health care.
Committed to Improving Health Equity
Our commitment to improving health equity and ensuring a diverse health workforce translates into research that emphasizes expanding cultural competence and language concordance, promoting workforce diversity through education and development programs, and evaluating care models that ensure health equity.
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These are graphic representations of measurable goals that the Campaign for Action has selected to evaluate its efforts in support of the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) landmark report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Full Publication
As health care shifts away from a fee-for-service model as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health care workers in California will be called upon to develop new skills and fill new roles. The study’s authors analyzed state and national health care data and conducted in-depth...
This project explored the effects of nurse practitioner (NP) scope of practice (SOP) legislation on the distribution and practice patterns of NPs as well as their billing practices. The goal was to understand where and how NPs are practicing, identify barriers that limit the degree to which NPs are...
This leadership report highlights the impact of Healthforce Center’s leadership programs across a diverse group of six leaders. All six individuals graduated from their respective programs having significantly enhanced their leadership capabilities and made meaningful and measurable...
This report presents research findings on the national landscape of personal care aide (PCA) training requirements across state Medicaid-funded programs. These programs enable older adults and individuals with disabilities to reside safely in their homes and participate in their communities. In the...
New forecasts of future registered nurse supply and demand in California were developed using data from the 2014 Board of Registered Nursing Survey of RNs and other sources. The models indicate that California is graduating the number of nurses required to ensure adequate supply for the next 20...
The need for greater involvement of the nursing profession in cost containment efforts has been documented extensively. More thorough education of nurses in the subject of health economics (HE) is one of the factors that could contribute toward achievement of that goal. The project's main...
This study examines how changing demographics and service use might affect future long-term care worker demand.
The 2014 Survey of Registered Nurses provides information about the demographics, education, employment, and satisfaction of nurses with California RN licenses.
Licensed practical nurses (LPNs), referred to as licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) in some states, are the second largest health care occupation that requires postsecondary education. Demand for LPNs is projected to grow substantially over the coming decades, particularly among long-term care...
One proposed strategy to expand primary care capacity is to use nurse practitioners (NPs) more effectively in health care delivery. However, the ability of NPs to provide care to the fullest extent of their education is moderated by state scope-of-practice (SOP) regulations. The purpose of this...
The objective of this study was to assess trends in the supply and employment patterns of LPNs in the USA from 2008 to 2013.
What predicts attitudes toward new workforce models among underrepresented minority dentists? National Oral Health Conference. Oral Presentation
Personal care assistants (PCAs) provide supports and services that enable older adults and individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes and community settings. State Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services programs facilitate use of alternatives to institutional care by paying for...
Personal care assistants (PCAs) provide supports and services that enable older adults and individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes and community settings. State Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services programs facilitate use of alternatives to institutional care by paying for...
Although the supply of nurses is likely to meet overall demand, the nature of a nurse’s job is changing dramatically. In redesigned health care systems, nurses are assuming expanded roles for a broad range of patients in ambulatory settings and communitybased care. These roles involve new...
Medical assistants (MAs) are one of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States. As of 2014 there were about 585,000 MAs in the United States, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics projected the MA workforce to grow by 29% from 2012 to 2022. The MA population is primarily female, ethnically...
A looming question for policy makers is how growing diversity of the US elderly population and greater use of home and community-based services will affect demand for long-term care workers. We used national surveys to analyze current use and staffing of long-term care, project demand for long-term...
This webinar presents findings from a recent study conducted by the Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care at the University of California, San Francisco, on the job transitions of long-term care workers. The study used the Current Population Survey to examine from which jobs and...