Jacqueline (Jackie) Miller
Jacqueline (Jackie) Miller is a senior research data analyst at Healthforce Center at UCSF and at the Institute for Health Policy Studies. Since joining UCSF in 2015, her research has focused on health workforce professions such as nursing, dental therapy, and homecare, with expertise in community health workers/promotores de salud.
Miller is also a key contributor to the California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP), which provides independent analysis of impacts of proposed health insurance benefit mandates and repeals. As part of the medical effectiveness team, she has analyzed bills about comprehensive medication management, HIV PrEP and PEP, adverse childhood experiences, and perinatal services, among others. Prior to joining UCSF, she managed the quaity improvement department of a family medical practice.
She holds a bachelor's degree in communications; Spanish; and science, technology, medicine, and society from the University of Michigan (U-M). She serves as the Co-President of the U-M Alumni Club of Greater San Francisco.