Lisel Blash, MPA
Lisel Blash is a research analyst at Healthforce Center at UCSF. She coordinates the annual School Survey for the California Board of Registered Nursing and an evaluation of community paramedicine/triage to alternate destination projects for the California Emergency Medical Services Authority. She enjoys institutional surveys because they help quantify organizational efficacy and challenges. The resulting data helps administrators evaluate their programs and plan for the future.
Blash previously worked as a senior researcher with Public Research Institute at San Francisco State University. She has also worked as a consultant with the Research and Planning Group of the California Community Colleges. She currently serves on Fairfax Town Council.
Her primary degree is a master's in public administration, with some doctoral work in urban planning. In 2017, Blash received the Marin Environmental Forum’s Joseph Kohn Memorial Scholarship for students with “demonstrated leadership qualities in protecting the lands and ecology of Marin County.”