Evaluation Services


Evaluation is vital to understanding the value of a program or initiative — showing what worked, what can be improved, and what can be scaled or replicated — and therefore essential to spreading change throughout health care. Healthforce Center offers evaluation services to assess impact, inform learning, and provide actionable recommendations. We will work with clients to identify desired objectives and create a systematic approach to assess and learn from policies, initiatives, and programs.

Healthforce Center has conducted evaluations that have contributed to the adoption and scaling of care models, improved health workforce education and training, legislation and regulation development, and state and federal policy changes. Our evaluation services are based on the rigorous metrics and meaningful insights Healthforce Center is known for.

Highlights of the wide breadth of our evaluation experience include:

  • Leading a complex, multi-year evaluation of multiple models of the Community Paramedicine Pilot Programs for the California Health Care Foundation to expand paramedics’ customary roles in emergency response and transport. The pilot projects informed legislation enacted (AB 1544) on January 1, 2021, to expand the scope of paramedics.
  • Evaluating the impact of innovative approaches to reducing oral health disparities and improving oral health in children by the Willamette Dental Group offices in Oregon as well as the organizational sustainability, cost, and Medicaid policy implications for NIH’s National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).
  • Assessing the efforts of the Greater Bay Area Mental Health and Education Workforce Collaborative to address workforce shortages and expand diversity through increased training opportunities for public mental health workers, enhanced educational pipelines from high school through graduate school, and improved career opportunities.
  • Evaluating the years-long Pew Dental Campaign to examine its influence on health policy, including enactment of laws and policies that authorize the use of dental therapists to improve access to dental care, and identify lessons that may inform Pew’s future initiatives.
  • Determining the potential of seven oral health workforce innovation models to promote prevention and/or improve access to prevention services for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
  • Evaluating Support at Home (S@H), a pilot program of the San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services to provide home care vouchers to keep San Francisco adults with disabilities and seniors living safely in the community.

What goals can we help you achieve next? To explore your options with Healthforce Center, contact Deputy Director Rebecca Hargreaves.