Rural Seniors Reap Health Benefits from What UCSF First-Gen Nursing Program Sows


By Andrew Schwartz with photography by Elisabeth Fall. Reprinted with permission from the UCSF School of Nursing.

The UCSF School of Nursing is partnering with Hartnell College to prepare first-generation-to-college students to become nurses, equipped with the skills to advance health care for residents in the underserved Salinas Valley.

California Demand for Primary Care Providers to Exceed Supply by 2030

UCSF Report Shows Potential Shortfall of 4,700 Clinicians as Soon as 2025

California is expected to face a statewide shortfall of primary care providers in the next 15 years, with acute shortages in the Central Valley, Central Coast and Southern Border areas, due to the uneven distribution of care across the state, according to a report by Healthforce Center at UCSF.