At Healthforce Center, our research on the health care workforce offers timely analysis and guidance for providers, policymakers and funders in addressing critical delivery and improvement challenges. We have a team of nationally recognized research experts who work to define issues and support health policy change with rigorous analysis, high-quality data and actionable recommendations.
Our expertise covers the entire health workforce — the full range of licensed professions, credentialed occupations, and emerging roles such as community health workers and peer providers, and across all types of settings from acute to long-term care. We specialize in examining evolving trends in care models, care team composition, and promising new models for the delivery of high-quality health care.
Committed to Improving Health Equity
Our commitment to improving health equity and ensuring a diverse health workforce translates into research that emphasizes expanding cultural competence and language concordance, promoting workforce diversity through education and development programs, and evaluating care models that ensure health equity.
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The misuse of opioids is a health crisis in the United States. Medication treatment for opioid use disorder reduces negative health outcomes, but there are widespread shortages of appropriately trained and credentialed providers. Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) have recently become...
The 2019-2020 Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) School Survey was designed to provide comparable data to prior surveys and was updated based on recommendations from the Board'sNursing Education and Workforce Advisory Committee. The School Survey is primarily intended to collect data on pre-...
The 2019-20 Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) School Survey was based on prior BRN surveys and modified based on recommendations from the Nursing Education...
Approximately 1 in 5 U.S. adults experienced a mental illness in the past year, a number that is expected to rise amid a shortage of mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) providers. One way to address this growing need for behavioral health services is through the use of peer providers, or...
California is facing a shortage of health professionals to meet the needs of its large, diverse, and aging population, and the situation is worsening. Shortages exist across professions and geographies, with sizeable urban and rural underserved populations. Despite increasing population diversity,...
The California Improvement Network is a community of health care professionals committed to identifying and spreading better ideas for care delivery. The summer 2021 issue of CIN Connections contains strategies and reflections from health care leaders as they wrestle with increased levels of...
Oral health care faces ongoing workforce challenges that affect patient access and outcomes. While the Medicare program provides an estimated $14.6 billion annually in graduate medical education (GME) payments to teaching hospitals, including explicit support for dental and podiatry programs,...
The overwhelming nursing home resident infection and death rates from the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the question: What policies can best protect nursing home residents now and in the future? In this article we present data that inadequate nurse staffing levels and high staff turnover rates are...
Stay-at-home policies related to the COVID-19 pandemic could disrupt adolescents’ substance use and physical activity. This study aimed to compare adolescents’ substance use and physical activity behaviors before and after stay-at-home restrictions. In this cohort, a reduction in e-cigarette use...
Poor oral health, and biological impact of oral disease, affects a person's general health and well-being. Using electronic dental health record data to identify high-risk dental caries patients coupled with a new oral health team member, the dental care advocate (DCA) facilitated the dental...
The 2019-2020 Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) School Survey was designed to provide comparable data to prior surveys and was updated based on recommendations from the Board's Nursing Education and Workforce Advisory Committee. The School Survey is primarily intended to collect data on pre-...
There are indeed many pressing questions and issues facing the discipline of Nursing including significant numbers of faculty retirements, concerns about the rigor of nursing PhD programs, declines in PhD enrollments, and the persistent lack of diversity across many domains among nursing faculty....
Care coordination is a key strategy used to improve health outcomes and efficiency, yet there are limited examples in dentistry. A large dental accountable care organization piloted care coordination by retraining existing administrative staff to coordinate the care of high-risk patients. Following...
This article examines the relationship between federal regulations, state scope-of-practice regulations on nurse practitioners (NPs), and buprenorphine prescribing patterns using pharmacy claims data from Optum’s deidentified Clinformatics Data Mart between January 2015 and September 2018. The...
Although the number of active physicians increased by 21% between 2006 and 2018, and exceeded the 10% population growth, many areas in California face substantial shortages of primary care providers and specialists. California Physicians: A Portrait of Practice presents detailed information about...
California’s health care industry employed more than 1.7 million people in 2019. Among these workers, nearly 50% were employed in ambulatory settings, 32% in hospitals, and 18% in nursing or residential care facilities. An aging population and population growth will likely contribute to increased...
Nursing is the single largest health profession in the state. These quick reference guides look at supply, demographics, education, distribution, and pay for registered nurses (RNs) and licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), using the most recent data available. Key findings include: Non-White RNs...
This issue of CIN Connections contains strategies and reflections from health care leaders as they grapple with how to abolish racism to improve health and remove roadblocks to real health equity. Hear from Dr. Rhea Boyd of the California Children’s Trust and of 2-1-1 San Diego about how structural...
Over the course of 12 years, the Blue Shield of California Foundation committed nearly $20 million to growing a pool of community health center leaders who were prepared to be effective agents of change in their organizations and in the safety net field. This signature investment, the Clinic...
Community paramedicine, also known as mobile integrated health, is an innovative model of care that is being implemented throughout the United States. From 2014 to 2020, the California Emergency Medical Services Authority sponsored a Health Workforce Pilot Project under which specially trained...