Browse Publications

Long-Term Outcomes of a Dental Postbaccalaureate Program: Increasing Dental Student Diversity and Oral Health Care Access

The University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry established the Dental Postbaccalaureate Program in 1998 to provide reapplication assistance to students from economically and/or...

Author(s): Cynthia Wides, Harvey Brody, Charles Alexander, Stuart Gansky, Elizabeth Mertz
Date: May 1, 2013

The Nursing Workforce in an Era of Health Care Reform

The foundation of the health care delivery system is its workforce, including the 2.8 million registered nurses (RNs) who provide health care services in countless settings. The importance of RNs is...

Author(s): David I. Auerbach, Douglas O. Staiger, Ulrike Muench, Peter I. Buerhaus
Date: April 18, 2013

Mission Possible - Improving the Lives of All Older Adults in Marin: Needs and Assets Scan of Culturally Appropriate Services for Older Adults in Marin County

The demographics of Marin County, California are changing. One of the most dramatic examples is the increase in the number of older adults. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of people over 60 years...

Author(s): Angela Marks, Sunita Mutha
Date: March 27, 2013

Leadership in Action: The Role and Impact of the CHCF Health Care Leadership Program’s California Health Improvement Project (CHIP)

This brief provides an overview of the CHCF Health Care Leadership Program and a summary of results from an assessment of the process and impact of a key component of the program, the California...

Author(s): Cynthia Wides, Angela Marks, Sally Durgan, Elizabeth Mertz, Sunita Mutha
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: February 21, 2013

California Board of Registered Nursing 2011-2012 Annual School Report: Data Summary and Historical Trend Analysis

Development of the 2011-2012 Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) School Survey was the work of the Board's Education Issues Workgroup, which consists of nursing education stakeholders from across...

Author(s): Renae Waneka, Tim Bates, Joanne Spetz
Date: February 12, 2013

The Research and Policy Importance of Nursing Sample Surveys and Minimum Data Sets

This article reviews the information gathered by the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN) and other sources of data on the registered nurse (RN) workforce. It examines how the data...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz
Date: February 1, 2013

Projections of the Long-Term Growth of the Registered Nurse Workforce: a Regional Analysis

Providing regional projections of the RN workforce will allow underlying differences in the age structure of the RN workforce to become more visible. By providing regional-level projections, it will...

Author(s): Peter Buerhaus, David Auerbach, Douglas Staiger, Ulrike Muench
Date: January 1, 2013

Leadership Development: A Critical Need in the Dental Safety Net

This research brief presents a qualitative assessment of the leadership training needs of dental directors from community health centers in California. This brief explores dental directors’ roles and...

Author(s): Angela Marks, Elizabeth Mertz
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: December 17, 2012

The Impact of the Elimination of Adult Dental Benefits from Denti-Cal on the California Dental Safety Net

This research brief presents a qualitative assessment of the impacts of the elimination of dental benefits for Medicaid-eligible adults in California on the oral health safety-net workforce. To...

Author(s): Elizabeth Mertz, Sonia Rab Alam, Cynthia Wides
Source: Healthforce Center at UCSF
Date: November 21, 2012

Are Staffing Changes in California’s Hospitals Sensitive to Individual Hospital Characteristics?

Although differences in nurse staffing have been associated with individual hospital characteristics in the literature, there have been no studies on how these factors may influence nurse staffing...

Author(s): Teresa Serratt, Joanne Spetz, Charlene Harrington
Date: November 11, 2012