Browse Publications

California’s Nursing Labor Force: Demand, Supply, and Shortages (2004)

This report provides a descriptive overview of the nursing labor market with a focus on the institutions and regulations that affect the labor market. The authors provide in-depth information about...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Jordan Rickles, Paul Ong
Date: January 30, 2004

Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics in California

EMTs and Paramedics are essential members of the health care workforce. They are an intrinsic part of California's and the nation's emergency medical system. This issue brief examines this workforce...

Author(s): Patricia Franks, Nona Kocher, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Jan 2004

Caregiver Training Initiative: Final Process and Outcome Evaluation Report

The intent of the Caregiver Training Initiative (CTI) was to increase the number of health caregivers in the State of California. This initiative, which is part of the State’s Aging with Dignity...

Author(s): Ruth Matthias, Susan A. Chapman, Jordan Rickles, Ellen Morrison, Paul M. Ong, A.E. (Ted) Benjamin, Robert Newcomer
Date: December 8, 2003

The Future Of The Nurse Shortage: Will Wage Increases Close The Gap?

In recent years the U.S. media have been reporting a shortage of registered nurses (RNs). In theory, labor-market shortages are self-correcting; wage increases will bring labor markets into...

Author(s): Joanne Spetz, Ruth Given
Date: December 1, 2003

2002 Wage and Vacancy Survey of Medical Laboratories Part II: Modest Easement of Staffing Shortage

Part I of the 2002 Wage and Vacancy Study appeared in the September issue of Laboratory Medicine.1 That report focused on the response rates by laboratory type and the wages associated with 12...

Author(s): Kory Ward-Cook, Susan A. Chapman, Suzanne Tannar
Date: October 13, 2003

Admission Policies and Attrition Rates in California Community College Nursing Programs: A Report to Senator Charles Poochigian and the California Postsecondary Education Commission

Most analyses of California's nursing shortage find that too few nurses are being educated to meet future demand. Coffman and Spetz (1999) estimate that state nursing programs need to educate an...

Author(s): Jean Ann Seago, Joanne Spetz
Date: October 6, 2003

Diagnostic Imaging Professionals in California

The diagnostic imaging professions provide vital services in the modern health care system, and as with other types of healthcare workers such as registered nurses and clinical laboratory scientists...

Author(s): Vanessa Lindler, Lorraine Woo, Susan A. Chapman
Date: Oct 2003

Health Care Providers’ Language Assistance Responsibilities: Major Federal and California Requirements

A number of federal and state laws address the need to provide health care in a language that the patient understands. This two-page overview of major California and Federal lists requirements for...

Author(s): Catherine Dower
Date: Oct 2003

2002 Wage and Vacancy Survey of Medical Laboratories Part I: Salaries Continue to Show Moderate Gains

The 2002 Wage and Vacancy Report will spanned 2 issues of Laboratory Medicine. This issue focuses on the salary data. The October issue will focus on hiring practices and vacancies. Full Publication 

Author(s): Kory Ward-Cook, Susan A. Chapman, Suzanne Tannar
Date: September 13, 2003

Massage Therapists in California

Americans’ use of therapeutic massage has increased over recent years, as have Americans’ perceptions about massage therapists as providers of a health-related service. Yet, in California, massage...

Author(s): Tina McRee
Date: September 1, 2003