The Impact of Nurse Staffing on Birth Outcomes

A brown haired woman lies in a hospital bed while in labor. Another woman in red scrbs, a medical mask, and a medical hairnet has her right hand on the other woman's head and her left hand below the covers. A hand in a green gown and a white medical glove reaches out from the bottom left frame and is placed on the woman in labor's abdomen. A clock on the far wall read 3:52. There is additional medical equipment around the room.

Nursing care is a core element of patient safety and quality within hospitals, but measures for the quality of nursing care during birth have not been established. This study, led by Audrey Lyndon at New York University, breaks new ground in determining relationships between nursing care during labor and birth, patient outcomes, and health disparities in birth outcomes. Results of this study will provide crucial information that can guide efforts to make health care safer during labor and birth and improve childbirth outcomes in the United States.

For more information, please contact Joanne Spetz