
workforce research

Photo of toddler using a toothbrush with mother and dentist

Webinar: Enabling Dental Therapy Practice to Improve Access to Oral Health Services

For two decades, the US Surgeon General has highlighted large gaps in access to oral care and the “silent epidemic” of dental disease. More than 30% of the US population has difficulty accessing care...

COVID-19 Is Reshaping California’s Health Workforce

By Avram Goldstein Evidence is mounting that American health care workers are quitting in large numbers. The health care sector has lost nearly half a million workers (PDF) since February 2020, and...
People coming together to form an arrow.

A Retrospective of 2021 Progress at Healthforce Center

By Sunita Mutha, MD, FACP, Director of Healthforce Center If 2020 was the year of a collective reckoning on racial injustice across the nation, then 2021 was the year of laser-like focus on how to...
Photo of Dr. Elizabeth Mertz

Dr. Elizabeth Mertz to Lead Research at Healthforce Center at UCSF

Healthforce Center at UCSF is excited to announce that Dr. Elizabeth Mertz has been appointed Associate Director of Research to succeed Dr. Joanne Spetz. In this role, Mertz will be responsible for...
UCSF nurses talking.

California Faces Short-Term Nursing Shortage from COVID-19 Retirements

By Rebecca Wolfson California will face a significant shortfall of registered nurses over the next five years due to long-term trends that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to...
Woman smiling to camera

A New Effort to Train Health Workers Reimagines Health Care

Reprinted with permission by Monterey County Now. By Sara Rubin Orlando Elizondo has spent a lot of time thinking about how health care is delivered – not in doctor’s offices or emergency rooms, but...
Illustration of Joanne Spetz

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Nursing Workforce

“Whenever somebody says, I think we have a nursing shortage, I think the answer we should all provide to that is, what do you mean by shortage? And where is it happening? It's really almost the...
BIPOC physician providing a check up for a BIPOC child with BIPOC mother in the background.

OpEd: COVID-19 Reveals Need to Increase Diversity Among California Physicians

Story source: CalMatters By Janet Coffman, Healthforce and Alicia Fernández, Special to CalMatters COVID-19 has revealed serious flaws in our health system, but none is more distressing than the deep...
Nurse in a face mask, putting on a gown and gloves

Innovations, Failures, and Leadership Lessons During the COVID-19 Pandemic

On September 18, Dr. Mitch Katz, President and CEO, NYC Health + Hospitals, shared with California Improvement Network (CIN) partners at the fall CIN partner meeting about his experience leading the...
Photo of dental student with children

California Offers Student Debt Relief for Doctors and Dentists Serving Medicaid Patients (NY Times, LA Times, Sacramento Bee)

California is providing debt relief for doctors and dentists who agree to accept Medi-Cal. The grant has lifted “an emotional burden,” one recipient said in The New York Times, adding, “I can focus...