Victory: Governor Brown Signs Bill Expanding Scope of Practice for Medical Lab Technicians (MLTs)

Last week, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2281 into law, which expands MLT scope of practice. The new law’s provisions were informed by Healthforce Center at UCSF research and recommendations. For two decades Healthforce faculty member Susan Chapman has been leading and conducting research on the medical lab workforce, which is in short supply. We spoke with Dr.

Boots on the Ground: Community Paramedics’ Experiences in the Field

By Maile Richardson

Since 2015, the California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) has been testing the viability of asking paramedics to step outside of their traditional scope of practice. Known as Community Paramedicine (CP), or mobile integrated health (MIH-CP), this model of care aims to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of health care delivery by creating partnerships between existing paramedics and other health care providers in local settings.

How One Man’s Road to Recovery Has Helped Others with Mental Illness

By Lisel Blash, MPA

After losing his job in the corporate sector, Josh was homeless and in and out of jail for several years. “Until I had my diagnosis; I thought everyone heard voices,” he said. The realization that he had a mental illness made Josh take action. After seeking treatment, he volunteered for homeless shelters and soup kitchens because he “wanted to give back.”

Slow But Steady: The Growing Numbers of Men Who Choose Nursing

CHCF Health Care Leadership Program fellow Sergio Camarillo, MBA, MS, RN, decided he wanted to be a physical therapist after he learned about the profession at a career day in high school. While taking prerequisite courses for physical therapy in college, he became friends with a man who planned a career in a different health care field: Nursing.

“At the time, that struck me as odd because I saw nursing as a predominately female profession,” Camarillo said.

New Report Shows Rising Demand for Health Care Workers with Expertise in Long-term Care

Demand for health care professionals with expertise in long-term care (LTC) is rising, due to projected growth in the older population and the increasing burden of chronic disease. One way to meet this growing LTC workforce demand may be to employ more nurse practitioners (NPs) and/or physician assistants (PAs).

Restrictive Policies (and Politics) Impede Nurses, Fail Patients

Healthforce Center Associate Director of Research Joanne Spetz, PhD, was interviewed for a nursing website ( about her research on policies, politics and nursing practice that affect nursing leaders across the country. Below are excerpts from that conversation.

Community Health Worker Joins Movement

By Jackie Miller

As a community health worker (CHW) at Care Connections Program in Los Angeles County, Walfred Lopez acts as a liaison between patients and medical professionals to help people find resources and overcome challenges related to chronic conditions. He’s part of a growing movement of CHWs who joined together on June 19 for Healthforce Center at UCSF’s event that introduced Walfred to a broader picture of the CHW landscape.

“It’s a complete movement, and there are a lot of people involved. I can see the bigger picture now,” he said.

Community Paramedicine Project Shows Early Success

An independent study by Healthforce Center at UCSF has shown that California’s community paramedicine pilot projects have improved patient well-being and generated savings for insurers and hospitals.