Case Managers, Patient Navigators, and Patient Advocates

Case managers, patient navigators, and patient advocates play an increasingly critical role in complex health care delivery systems. Healthforce Center research focuses on this rapidly-evolving group of professionals.


Evaluation of California’s Community Paramedicine Pilot Program

Community paramedicine, also known as mobile integrated health, is an innovative model of care that is being implemented throughout the United...

Supporting the Adult Protective Services Workforce

An estimated one in ten adults over the age of 60 suffers some form of elder abuse.

Leveraging the State Budget to Implement California Future Health Workforce Commission Recommendations

This report describes provisions of California’s state budget for fiscal year 2019-2020 that either directly fund the California Future Health...

CIN Connections, Summer 2019: Leadership for Continuous Change and Improvement

With rising costs, increasing burnout, and a rapidly changing environment, health care leaders may feel like they’re facing an uphill battle.

Fundamental Concepts for Managing Risk and Understanding the Total Cost of Care

This resource is designed to serve as a primer for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of health payment models in California and...