Readmission Reduction Initiative

Project Goal: To reduce inpatient readmissions for high-risk members at Fresno Community Regional Medical Center by implementing face to face registered nurse/social worker case management to bridge transitions of care.

Stanford Health Care’s Transformation for High Value Care: Primary Care 2.0

Project Goal: To transform Stanford Health Care’s primary care practices to promote the quadruple aim.

Kaiser Medi-Cal Communication Pathway for Eating Disorder Care Planning Options

Project Goals: To develop optimal communication pathway between any California agency or provider and county mental health caring for a Medi-Cal member with a severe eating disorders, and Kaiser leadership to utilize new understanding of data to become advocates to activate positive change at the state policy level for Medi-Cal members with eating disorders.

Advanced Behavioral Connection Model

Project Goal: To increase patients connecting to Behavioral Health (BH) and ultimately improve their overall health using the Advanced Behavioral Connection model which enhances the warm handoff between primary care provider and BH staff.

Medical Innovation Incubator

Project Goal: To build a physical clinical unit and a process for the incubator that would serve to bridge the gap between ideas and real-life county clinical environments.

A Model for Home Based Palliative Care

Project Goal: To increase access to ambulatory palliative care by establishing a financially sustainable service line within MemorialCare’s hospice program.

Efficient Delivery of Palliative Care Across a Safety Net System

Project Goal: To enhance access to supportive services to patients with serious illness requiring complex psychological needs by developing a palliative care resource directory.

The Galileo Project: The Global Risk Playbook for Transformative Population Health

Project Goal: To build, validate, and implement a replicable high-risk/utilizer care management program focused on upstream health risk reduction – for payors and providers approaching global financial risk.

A Model for Integrating Behavioral Health Services into LA County’s Public Safety Net Primary Care Clinics

Project Goal: To increase Los Angeles County primary care patients’ access to broad range behavioral health (BH) services by integrating BH providers into primary care medical homes.

Social Interventions Research and Evaluation Network

Project Goal: To increase the capacity of the health care system to implement and sustain the most effective strategies to care for low income populations by catalyzing and disseminating high quality research on how to identify and address patients’ social needs in the context of clinical care.